In a global environment of increasingly volatile energy prices, rising costs, mounting pressure to decarbonize, and an ever-more complex regulatory landscape, a strategic approach to energy management is more critical than ever. A well-executed energy management strategy can save businesses money, improve operational efficiency, and support achieving sustainability goals.
What is Energy Management?
Energy management is a process to help organizations optimize their energy consumption and costs through ongoing data collection, analysis, and implementation of energy efficiency and electrification projects. Analyzing energy data helps organizations track usage, identify when, where and why energy is consumed, reduce the impact of consumption spikes and build a business case for strategic capital investment into energy efficiency projects.
Why is Energy Management Important?
According to the Center for Climate and Energy Solutions (C2ES), energy accounts for over 70% of all global GHG emissions. So, before considering alternative or renewable energy sources, which often come at a premium, organizations must first reduce their demand-side consumption. To maximize long-term energy savings, align company leaders, departments, and employees through robust engagement activities to plan a holistic, transformative strategy rather than siloed projects.
In the earliest tactical stage, organizations create a business case around energy efficiency, analyzing consumption and spend data to uncover outliers and build a plan for targeted energy management solutions, procurement criteria, and behavioral changes. As strategic energy management becomes part of the organizational culture and organizations realize savings from early projects, companies can expand their efforts to increase energy savings across their portfolio and reduce carbon emissions. Once organizations have well-established energy management practices, they will be positioned to take a closer look at their value chain and integrate renewable energy solutions into their energy portfolio.
The Challenge
Constantly changing variables—such as weather, technology, operations, and employee behavior—can have a major impact on the effectiveness of energy management strategies. An evolving landscape of energy and building regulations heighten the risk of inaction. Without the right data, analytics, software and expertise, many companies struggle to devise and implement holistic energy management programs, resulting in lower savings, suboptimal energy performance, higher carbon emissions, and greater regulatory risk.
The Solution
ENGIE Impact helps businesses reduce energy and water costs and consumption across their portfolios—from site audits and data analytics to program design and project coordination. By harvesting actionable insights from an organization’s data, we are able to address unique energy management needs, prioritize the highest-return opportunities and implement tailored solutions to help meet sustainability and financial targets and comply with local regulations.
Benefits of ENGIE Impact’s Energy Management Solutions
ENGIE Impact's certified energy managers become an extension of your team, working seamlessly to tackle energy inefficiency and implement tailored solutions across your entire portfolio while ensuring compliance across state and local regulations. We leverage data analysis, benchmarking, audits, and financial planning to identifyopportunities for cost and consumption reduction. Our experts then translate these plans into action by providing guidance, financing alternatives, training, and uncovering rebate opportunities. Finally, we help you monitor, measure and report your progress, continually optimizingperformance, and implementing operational best practices to drive savings back to the bottom line.