The urgency and risks of the climate crisis cannot be overstated. Organizations are setting Net Zero targets, but many are struggling to meet them. ENGIE Impact was purpose built to partner with companies to help them overcome the challenges of decarbonization. Our business transformation consultants start with a rigorous assessment process, and build enterprise-level climate transition plans that include science-driven targets, roadmaps, governance and change management support, and climate risk analysis.
The Challenge
Creating an effective strategy and transformation plan poses a significant challenge for organizations amidst evolving market dynamics. Failing to manage changes effectively at the leadership level and across the organization can lead to substantial risks.
While creating sustainability targets starts with a vision, it takes a thorough assessment of technology, business models, market conditions, and stakeholder demands to craft a long-term goal. Organizations need a partner with deep technical expertise to develop a realistic plan for their ambitious sustainability efforts.
The Solution
ENGIE Impact takes an inside-out, outside-in approach to strategy and transformation, considering both business-driven initiatives and external forces that shape an organization. This unique combination of management consulting and strong technical knowledge is backed by digital tools, ensuring organizations identify achievable targets that will maximize economic and environmental opportunities.
We help clients build a comprehensive GHG inventory that provides a clear picture of their emissions footprint - empowering companies to identify and prioritize their carbon “hotspots”, inform long-term strategies, mobilize key partners, and drive emission reductions across the value chain.
Internal Carbon Pricing (ICP)
We assist clients in integrating and implementing internal carbon pricing mechanisms into their operational and strategic decision-making processes, considering unique strategic business objectives and goals to further mitigate emissions.