With average PPA (Power Purchase Agreement) prices 10% higher in 2020 vs. 2019 in most regions across the U.S., the writing is on the wall: early actors will find better renewable energy projects with stronger financials.
With increasing pressure to act, most buyers are now wondering what renewable energy resources are available, what the financial and risk implications look like, and how they can organize stakeholders around a common renewable energy strategy.
ENGIE Impact renewable energy experts Peter Liska and Ben Hall and LevelTen Energy’s VP of Developer Relations, Rob Collier, shared their experience developing solutions for Fortune 500 clients and provide key insights into a more effective early renewable energy strategy, including:
How organizations should evaluate VPPAs (Virtual Power Purchase Agreements) among different types of renewable energy options
Where VPPA prices are trending and the implications for renewable energy buyers
What to expect over the life of a VPPA, and how to manage risk over a 10+ year term